Amazon rainforest Conservation
With the Tarayá Conservation Project, we protect over 16,000 hectares of primary forest in Acre, implement bioeconomic initiatives, and create a corridor for isolated groups of Indigenous people.
Supporting the Indigenous peoples of Amazonia protects the rainforest. Satellite images clearly show that deforestation is lower in Brazil's indigenous territories than in other areas. In recent years, however, attacks on protected areas and indigenous territories have intensified. Weak law enforcement and a lack of will to expand protected areas pose a threat to biodiversity and local communities. These developments have shown that protection cannot depend solely on the state. In 2018, we therefore started the land purchase initiative.
Together with our partners, we have established the Tarayá conservation project: In 2023, we succeeded in purchasing a forest area of 16,000 hectares in the municipality of Jordão, in the state of Acre. The land consists largely of primary forest and is located on the Tarauacá River, once called Tarayá by the indigenous inhabitants of the area used. The area serves to protect biodiversity and the traditional way of life of the Huni Kuin.
Uncontacted Indigenous Groups
Fortunately, the region around Jordão still has large areas of contiguous forest. On both the Brazilian and Peruvian sides, groups of indigenous people still live in voluntary isolation from the outside world (isolados). They are sighted at regular intervals in the area of the upper Tarauacá River, where the protected area is located. In recent years, they have been increasingly pushed back into Brazil due to mining activities in Peru. The protected area is therefore an important buffer zone for the protection of the isolados.
Next steps
Together with our partners, the Instituto Yubekã, we are implementing the following projects on the land:
Establishing a foundation
In order to permanently protect the land from exploitation, it will be transferred to a foundation. The foundation is currently being set up. The foundation board will include representatives of Huni Kuin, Living Gaia e.V., our Brazilian partners and the ribeirinho communities living in the area (ribeirinhos are non-indigenous people who traditionally live on the riverbanks).
Biodiversity Management
The newly established conservation area is intended to help the flora and fauna in the region recover. The first step was a biodiversity inventory conducted in April 2024. Based on this, we create a management plan for sustainable use together with the local population.
In order to keep the area permanently protected from illegal clearing and removal of animals and plants, we will monitor it using satellite data and remote sensing. In addition, the local population will contribute to the monitoring with the help of interactive apps.
Agroforest systems and food security
Guaranteeing local food security is a key priority. A plan for an agroforestry system has already been drawn up. Currently, the project is starting to be implemented together with the people living on the land. In addition, we will encourage the breeding of small animals to reduce hunting pressure on wild species.
800 of the 16.000 hectares of the land are deforested. The still forested area is partly degraded. Reforestation is urgently needed to protect the land from erosion and to preserve biodiversity. Currently, we are reforesting large parts of the former cattle pasture in collaboration with our local partners. Native hardwood species are thereby protected from extinction while fruit trees contribute to increased income and food security of local people.
Discover the location of the project on the Restor platform
Support the Tarayá Conservation project
As a non-profit association, we depend on donations.
Here you can directly support the land purchase project.
To do this, enter the keyword "Taraya" in the "Subject" field.
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For a donation receipt (from €300.-) please e-mail us with the amount donated and your postal address to [email protected].
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Living Gaia e.V.
IBAN: DE48 4306 0967 1150 1986 00
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