Unfortunately, most of the villages in the Jordão region lack clean drinking water.
The lack of clean water and adequate sanitation leads to high rates of waterborne diseases and child mortality in the Huni Kuin villages.
The Upash project (“water” in Hatxã Kuin, Huni Kuin language) was launched with our local partners, APOTI and the Instituto Yubekã. The project provides villages in the municipality of Jordão with permanent access to drinking water. The infrastructure built on site consists of artesian wells with solar pumps and depths of 30 to 60 meters.
Upash aims to improve the quality of life, especially for women and children. Well systems are being built in 20 villages in the region, which will directly supply around 1,700 people in total.
Good news!
Thanks to a generous donation, we were able to build the first two wells in April 2024 in the most affected villages: Astro Luminoso and Nova Aliança. We are currently collecting donations for wells in 18 other villages. The project was executed by our partner, APOTI.
Support Clean Drinking Water!
As a non-profit association, we depend on donations.
Here you can directly support the clean drinking water project.
To do this, enter the keyword "water" in the "Subject" field.
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For a donation receipt (from €300.-) please e-mail us with the amount donated and your postal address to [email protected].
You can donate by bank transfer to our association account
Living Gaia e.V.
IBAN: DE48 4306 0967 1150 1986 00
or via our donation page